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Please select a service from the list:
Health Coach Blue w/ Julie (Last Name A-K) (20m)
Health coaching provides an opportunity for you to use the support and expertise of the It's Your Life staff to help you manage your health.
All associates will meet with Julie in Guest Room 1. Spouses will continue to coach by phone. For phone coaching, please provide a phone number where you can be reached at your appointment time and your health coach will call you.
Health Coach Blue w/ Ellen (Last Name L-Z) (20m)
Health coaching provides an opportunity for you to use the support and expertise of the It's Your Life staff to help you manage your health.
All associates will meet with Ellen in Guest Room 3. Spouses can continue to coach by phone. For phone coaching, please provide a phone number where you can be reached at your appointment time and your health coach will call you.
Evening Health Coach Green&Red Shift w/ Mike (20m)
Health coaching provides an opportunity for you to use the support and expertise of the It's Your Life staff to help you manage your health.
All associates will meet with Mike in Guest Room 1. Spouses will continue to coach by phone. For phone coaching, please provide a phone number where you can be reached at the beginning of your appointment time and your health coach will call you.