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Please select a service from the list:
Relaxation/Therapeutic Massage - 30 minutes (30m)
This massage includes a combination of relaxation and/or therapeutic techniques. Your massage will be customized to meet your body\'s individual needs.
Appointment time includes time for intake, changing and massage. Please allow 24 hour notice in the event of a cancellation.
Relaxation/Therapeutic Massage - One hour (1h)
This massage includes a combination of relaxation and therapeutic techniques. Your massage will be customized to meet your body's individual needs.
Please allow 24 hours notice in the event of cancellation or full payment will be due. Please reschedule if you have a cold, virus, or anything contagious. As a reminder: Skin should be free of sweat, lotions, perfumes or colognes. Thanks for your cooperation!
This massage includes a combination of relaxation and therapeutic techniques. Your massage will be customized to meet your body's individual needs.
Please allow 24 hours notice in the event of cancellation or full payment will be due.
Please reschedule if you have a cold, virus, or anything contagious.
Relaxation/Therapeutic Massage - Two hours (2h)
This massage includes a combination of relaxation and/or therapeutic techniques. Your massage will be customized to meet your body\'s individual needs.
Appointment time includes time for intake, changing and massage. Please allow 24 hour notice in the event of a cancellation.
Chair Massage (15m)
This massage is includes a combination of relaxation and/or therapeutic techniques. Your massage will be customized to meet your body's individual needs. You will be placed in a massage chair during this service.
Please allow 24 hour notice in the event of a cancellation.
Acupuncture First Visit - Amy Mylander L. Ac. (1h 30m)
Initial consultation and treatment. Please bring first visit forms or arrive 15 minutes early to fill them out. They can be printed from my website. Thin sterile needles are inserted in the skin for treatment of the body's imbalance or pain.
If you need to cancel your appointment, please notify the office as soon as possible. Missed appointments without notification will add a $10 cost to your next treatment.
Acupuncture Follow-up Visit - Amy Mylander (1h)
This is for ongoing treatments beyond the first visit. Thin sterile needles are inserted in the skin to treat body system imbalances and pain.
If you need to cancel your appointment, please notify the office as soon as possible. Missed appointments without notification will add a $10 fee to Your next appointment.
Acupuncture Cupping Therapy-Amy Mylander (1h)
Cupping is used to promote blood flow and relieve pain. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cupping can relieve pain after workouts from lactic acid accumulation.
If you need to cancel your appointment, please notify the office as soon as possible. Missed appointments without notification will add a $10 fee to your next appointment.